
Herb Skinner

Kim, Tim, & Ron Skinner
Ron and Bev Skinner and their sons have been ranching in the Flint Creek Valley since 1977. Ron is a third generation rancher. His grandfather, Earl Skinner, homesteaded in Montana after moving to the Conrad area from Iowa. His parents, Herb and Elsie, owned three ranches that grew progressively larger with the third ranch at Hall, Montana – the current home of Skinner Ranch Seedstock.
Ron ranched in partnership with his dad Herb, who was in the ranching business for 50 years, running commercial Angus. He bought out his parents in 1988 when Herb retired.
Salers were introduced to the ranch in 1983 and the ranch began selling seedstock in 1986. SRS has continued to sell Salers cattle with an emphasis on Optimizers (½ Angus ½ Salers). Purebred Angus were added to the program in 1998.
Tim and Kim returned to the ranch in 2003 and 2005 respectively after graduating from Montana State University and have continued the family tradition of ranching. Kim married Michelle in 2006, and they have two daughters: Peyton and Parker. Tim married Hayley in 2013 and have a son Teagan and daughters Perry and Tylee . Peyton, Parker, Teagan, Perry and Tylee are the fifth generation of Skinner Ranch.
As SRS began raising purebred cattle, the ranch wanted to continue focusing on quality cattle instead of quantity. SRS places an emphasis on balancing traits and having cattle that are labor efficient and predictable. Fertility, longevity, calf performance, excellent udders and feet, good dispositions, body type and uniformity are a few of the most important traits the ranch focuses on in their cattle.